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My work is concerned with how the self is communicated online and social media’s
influence on conditioning our experience of ourselves. Technology allows the manipulation
of imagery and ownership of that imagery. Exploiting the parameters of these two aspects,
I use appropriated imagery and specific techniques such as iPhone screen recordings: a
primary tool in developing my work.
The format of the IPhone is so familiar to those who have grown up in the digital age that it
often makes the information seem repetitive. The repetition of an action is the key to the understanding of my work. I use webcams to create performances that give a false sense
of intimacy. I use this technique to encourage the viewer to question if I am the subject or
the object of the work. I am interested in creating a performance of self, where I become a familiar character with specific traits, such as selfie taking, semi-nude and social media obsessed. Digital collages allow me to communicate my image in a recognizable format. I use the picture-within- a-picture technique to conceal aspects of the body, but also confront the viewer with a range of digital information both visual and text. This technique allows me to create multiple images of myself within the same frame to generate a fragmented sense of identity.
I am working with internet tropes such as the engineered hashtag, typically used for comedic or branding purposes. I use these as a call to action, encouraging the viewer to interact with the work by taking photographs, screenshots and re-uploading or sharing
them on the internet, thus creating a new author of the works.
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