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2021: Petty party (solo exhibition)
Royal scottish academy,
the mound, Edinburgh
2021: Group Show (Digital exhibition)
Shrine, new york city
2020: On the same boat(group exhibition)
st margaret's house, edinburgh
2019-2020:Open SSA+VAS in collaboration with james alexander mckenzie (group exhibiton)
Royal scottish academy, edinburgh
2019: Reb t (solo exhibition)
wooosh gallery, dundee
2019: Fine and dandy (group exhibition)
Art and Design Central Library, Edinburgh
2019: ECA Degree show (Group Exhibition)
Edinburgh college of art, Edinburgh
2019: Sa-lon suckers (group exhibition)
Sculpture and poster design
embassy gallery, edinburgh
2019: This is my show (reprise),
solo exhibition
Edinburgh college of art, edinburgh
2018: almost famous (group exhibition)
dxix, los angeles
2017: This is my show (solo exhibition)
fine roots gallery, edinburgh
2016: New physical space (group exhibition)
edinburgh sculpture workshop,edinburgh
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